Word find and replace trick Replace text with subscript or superscript

I have taken the following text from a YouTube video:

Let’s say that in a document I want to replace CO2 and CO2 (2 as subscript). If you have ever tried, then normal copy-paste in replace with dialogue box doesn’t work. However, with the following trick, you can achieve the desired effect using the following steps.

  1. Copy the replacement (target) text with subscript/superscript
  2. Open the Replace dialogue box by navigating to Home → Replace or keyboard shortcut (Ctrl + H)
  3. Fill in the find what text and type “^c” without quotes in “Replace with”
  4. Hit Replace or Replace All to find and replace

Blog post of the person who recorded the video: https://www.pickupbrain.com/ms-word/replace-text-with-subscript/