We can use this code to get the List of Posts from SQL to WPDataTables. We only need to change the value of category ID (in this case 4) written against igs_term_taxonomy.term_id in 2nd last line.
SELECT CONCAT('<a href="', tmpa969ab_posts.guid, '">', tmpa969ab_posts.post_title, '</a>') AS Post_Link
FROM tmpa969ab_posts
INNER JOIN igs_term_relationships ON (tmpa969ab_posts.ID = igs_term_relationships.object_id)
INNER JOIN igs_term_taxonomy ON (igs_term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = igs_term_taxonomy.term_taxonomy_id)
WHERE igs_term_taxonomy.term_id = 4
AND tmpa969ab_posts.post_status = 'publish';